Empire 47 - Québec Singletrack Expérience

DestinationEmpire 47


Québec Singletrack Expérience

Located just minutes from Québec City, Empire 47 is the most popular fat bike hub in the world in winter. In the summer, it is the favorite destination for small families, who find a well-balanced trail offer, allowing for a healthy progression, from easy and fluid trails to much steeper and more rugged routes. The cross-country area offers little elevation change, while the mountain offers many enduro trails from two main starting points. Kids love to play in the skill zones near the welcome center and on the huge new pump track.


Trails not to be missed:

  • Flowrentide
  • Zomby Woof
  • Kamasutrail
  • Belzébrute
  • Mirador
  • Pad Religion
  • Haute Valkyrie
  • Descente du coude
  • Shaman


Other activities offered:

  • Hiking

Be part of the

July 10 to 14, 2023

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Québec Singletrack ExpérienceQuébec Singletrack ExpérienceQuébec Singletrack Expérience